Thursday, April 26, 2012

Back to the 80s: Contingency List

BAND:  “Go Figure” Band / “One Love” by Bob Marley
Emily Bence, Monica Unzueta, Megan Levy, Maddie Henke, Mike Murray, Nick Allen
**change lyrics or go back to the original Bob Marley song
+80s costumes (how about jeans and a neon top)

SONG/DANCE:  We Got the Beat
Margot Grom & Elena Skidmore
*might add some choreography and some back-up dancers for a few parts of the song.  This song will also have an break in it to inroduce some celebrity emcees to kick off the show.

SONG/DANCE: 8th Grade Goodbye Medley
Janey, Nolan, Bailey, Matthew, Ethan, Madeleine, Lauren, Sadie, Maddie, Monica, Emily, Jaye (+ additional 8th graders in talent show, if desired)
*Love the black and white, but please add something in a neon whether it is in shoe strings, socks, shoes, headband, gloves, scarf, etc.  Also, I’ll help clean up choreography/staging a bit. 

SONG/DANCE:  Believe by Journey (1981)/ Don’t Stop Believin’
Madeleine Morstadt and Meredith Ogle
*might add some back-up dancers and back-up vocals to give volume and make it a bigger number (possible)

SONG + INSTRUMENT:  Just Enjoy the Show / “The Show” by Lenka
Maddie Henke, Janey Elliott, Bailey Discepoli, Maddie Henke, Jaye Johnson
*would like to work a bit on staging – loved the vocals

SONG:  The Adelics / Rumor Has It
Olivia Bennett, Cammy Miller, Marley Manigaolt
*might double up some vocal parts between the three of you girls to give more volume

SONG:  Always a Bridesmaid, Never a Bride
Janey Elliott, Bailey Discepoli, Maddie Henke, Deja Gause
*Girls, you are singing this as you have been down the “Homecoming Court” Aisle at prom so many times – instead of a wedding aisle.

SONG + INSTRUMENT:  Hallelujuah by Leonard Cohen (1984)
Evan and Nolan Morley
*need to add costmes

SONG + INSTRUMENT:  “Fall for You”
Nolan Morley
*need to add costumes / think Michael Jackson “suave”

DANCE:  Dancin’ Cowgirls
Rosie Bacon, Ellen Boster, Amie Boster, Corine Abel
*might need to clean choreography a bit (it’s a bit fast at the beginning, lets make it sharper)

SONG:  Material Girl
Kelsey Lackey
*might add back-up dancers singers to make it a bigger number + need short monologue before as Madonna

SKIT:  Celebrity Apprentice,  80s style
Erin Breadrick, Courtney Cain, Madelyn Taylor, Marilda Shloger, Katie Zackerman
*You are doing this as the “prom committee” – we may have to change a few lines, but Donald Trump is trying to figure out what celebrity guest star to have at prom. 

SONG:  Man in the Mirror by Michael Jackson
Courtney Caine
*I may make this a bit shorter

SKIT:  Mario & Luigi / That’s Good – No, That’s Bad
Ian Denney and Ian Fridy
*I will provide Super Mario Brothers Music – but you will be doing this as a commercial break for Super Nintendo.  We may have to change some of the script.

SONG/DANCE:  Set Fire to the Rain
Booke Neel, Ruby Napora, Katie Brown, Crissy Coallick, Lucy Walton, Caroline Theile
*Cast upon Contengency – There needs to be music to this.  I was told that Mr. Potts was working on this with you girls; however, this needs to be provided at the first rehearsal.  If you accept, please know that I will make a final decision when it comes to music – whether singing with a track, the original track, or acepella.  I also need to see everyone in their show costumes – as you said they were delayed in shipping.  Also, I want to help stage this number with the singing and dancing.