Tuesday, January 31, 2012

TECH WEEKS: All students called!

In case you were unsure -- ALL STUDENTS ARE CALLED TO BE AT REHEARSALS from here until the show.  Since we are a little behind, the schedule may adjust slightly on what we are doing each night, but every student is called from here on out.

There will be tons of down-time.  Bring a book to read, homework to do, and a snack (but please don't eat in the theater!).  There will be a lot of stopping and starting, so please be patient and don't use that time to have a conversation with your friends.  Older kids -- my younger kids look up to you and are watching you.  Please be a good example to them and help keep everyone on track.  The kids who have been doing that thus far have been A HUGE help to Miss Cindy.  Thank you for your efforts.

Tuesday:  Run Act 1 from 4:00 - 7:00.  
  • We will run Act 1.  Any extra time, I will finish Wild Goose Chase.  If we get to a spot that I can let people go while I work on Wild Goose Chase, I will.  
Wednesday:  Run Act 2 from 4:00 - 7:00.

Thursday:  RUN SHOW from 4:00 - 7:00.

Friday:  4:00 - 6:30:  Run Musical Numbers/Teach Warts and All Reprise (ALL CAST)
**Please note, I do realize there is a special musical ceremony on Friday night with Mark Woods.  Please arrive to the Fay Auditorium as soon as you can after your rehearsal.  I will let all students go at 6:30 in order to make it to the high school.

STUDENTS:  Music Rehearsal 11:00 - 1:00 (Please bring music books)
**EXTENSION OF REHEARSAL / 1:00 - 3:30 - Fix any problem spots / RUN SHOW
Parents:  I need to add this extension of rehearsal on Saturday, as the original schedule said 2:00.  Please do your best to allow your child to be there.  It would probably be smart to also provide a drink and/or snack to keep the kids healthy!  We will begin providing meals Monday of tech week.