Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Honk Jr. Rehearsal Calendar

Please know that if your child is cast in the spring musical, I will give each student a detailed rehearsal calendar at the Parent Meeting on Tuesday, January 3rd.  Below you will find the maximum times that a student will be required to attend Honk Jr. rehearsals.  There is a chance that each student will not be required to attend every rehearsal; however, please take into consideration the number of rehearsals I need a commitment that your student will attend rehearsals if cast in this show.  Please carefully consider this time commitment, as the months of January and February will be quite intense since we only have about 6 weeks of rehearsals.

PLEASE NOTE:  In case of several missed rehearsals due to weather conditions, I will have to add additional rehearsals.  Please be flexible, but I will only do this as needed.

Please click to enlarge and print