Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Casting: A Difficult Task

As the director of WMS drama, please let me say from the bottom of my heart, that casting is such a difficult process.  This is only b/c your students are mega-talented!  For those of you that are new to the theater world, a few below facts might be helpful:

  • I have to be very conscious of how much available stage-space I have.  I also have to take in consideration how many people I need to costume, teach to dance, and provide over-all direction. If I could cast all of you, I would!
  • Yes, I do look at the conflicts you have listed on your audition form.  However, with students spelling out when they are and are not available for rehearsals, it helps me to plan what I will rehearse for each rehearsal.  I am looking first and foremost at talent; however, if a student is never available for rehearsals, I may not be able to work around their schedules.  If a student is cast in the show and misses a rehearsal that is not on their conflict sheet (and it is not due to an emergency [see audition form] and does not let Miss Wilmes know in advance, that student may be asked to leave the musical).  Please do not make conclusions that some students are allowed to miss and others are not.  All students have laid out their conflicts on their schedules and have communicated to Miss Wilmes directly when they cannot be there.  I am fully aware, as I am trusting your audition sheet is correct.  Each director is different, and ultimately, this is the director's decision.  I am looking for students who will work very hard to make this musical a top priority, and I am trusting that students will do their best to arrange their schedules to be a part of such a great opportunity.
  • In order to be completely fair, I judge each student based on the same scoring guide at the initial audition.  This helps guide my process to ask people to come to callbacks.  Once at callbacks, I have students read and sing from the script, as well as audition with other cast members to see how they interact with others and fit a specific character.  From there, I decide named characters and the ensemble.  Even if you are not invited to callbacks, it does not mean that you are not in the cast.  
  • Just because a student is in a certain grade level does not guarantee a specific role over students who are older or younger than they are.  The musical is open to any student grades 5-8.   
First and foremost, I am looking at talent first and then going from there.  There are always several factors to consider when casting.  Please trust that these are mega-hard decisions!  Please also know that I am the only one who is making this decision.  No parents, teacher, or administration has a say in who is cast in the musical.  The parents who you may see at the volunteer table or around school are only there to help because they value the drama program at Wyoming.  Casting is based on your student's audition.  Trimming 80 students down to about 30 is huge.  There are going to be very talented children who do not make the musical.  If I could cast every one of you, I would!  No matter what happens, I would encourage you to audition for the variety show.  The capacity of the show allows me to cast a larger cast!  

Stay tuned for the CAST LIST that will be posted no later than Saturday by noon.  

Enjoy this last week of school!
Miss Wilmes