Wednesday, May 11, 2011


As we are approaching our final dress rehearsal and opening night, here are a few general notes for ALL CAST AND CREW:
  • STUDENTS: Stay where you need to be.  Your three minutes of fame on stage is pretty important.  However, before and after those three minutes is just as important!  You need to know where to be.  You have three options (and only three):  Learning Center, Green room, or in the wings ready to go on.  Remember, you should only be in the wings up to TWO ACTS before your act.  Wednesday's rehearsal: you will only be allowed to go the green room and wings due to lack of parent volunteers and a smaller size of the cast for Act 2.
  • QUICKLY GET ON & OFF STAGE:  Most likely, there will be a blackout (the lights will go off) before and after your performance.  This gives you the change to easily slip on and off stage w/o really being seen.  This keeps to the "MAGIC" of the theater.  We don't want to see you set up your act or leave the stage - we want to be surprised!  Please enter and exit quietly and very quickly.  We need to keep the pace of the show going.
  • SHORT & SWEET:  In order to make this show better for all, we DO NOT want this to go any longer than it needs to be.  Act 1 should be 45-50 minutes, intermission for 15 minutes, and Act 2 should be 45 minutes.  We don't want to add extra time before and after everyone's act, so do your thing on stage and leave.  Your time on stage to soak up the spotlight is when the light is literally on you.  In order to make this show a bit faster, please be prepared and know what act you follow and what you need to do before the lights come up on your act.
  • NO TALKING IN THE WINGS:  We will have some live body mics for some actors, so DO NOT talk backstage.  DO NOT TALK in the staircase leading up to the wings.  All of the sound travels right up on the stage and into the audience.  We can hear you, and that ruins the magic of the theater!
  • SIGHT LINES:  Remember, if you can see the audience, they can see you!  We have masked out an area backstage with glow tape.  Backstage volunteers and students, please stay behind these lines.  This will help the audience not see you.
  • BRING A SNACK THURSDAY:  You will have a long day after school on Thursday, as that is also our opening night.  Remember, there is NO eating in the auditorium.  If you do eat in the green room and learning center, make sure to clean up after yourselves.
*If you are not at rehearsal today, you will be asked to not help with the show.  The tech side of this show is really important, and you need to help.  Your rehearsals started Monday.  Everyone else has been working on this show for 3 weeks.  If you act like you are bored and are not doing the job the Stage Manager gave you, you may be asked to not be involved.  We have had several problems with stage crew goofing off and causing problems.  You are there to help, and we need you!  You are very important to the success of this show.  CAST:  Please listen to them, as they are there to help guide you.  If a stage crew or adult asks you to not talk, it is important that you respect them like you would me.  They are my eyes and ears right now, as I am out in the auditorium with lights and sound.  Please be respectful of each other -- if you have any questions or encounter problems, please see myself or another adult.

Thursday - right after school, please come to the auditorium.  I need to quickly run the closing of the show when everyone comes out on stage at 3:15.  The house will open at 3:30.  You will then have half an hour to get ready.  Please be in the auditorium in the seats at 3:15 on THURSDAY, so we can quickly run this and open the auditorium.  Once the auditorium is open and people are coming to get seats, NO CHILD is to be seen.  You have to stay in the green room/learning center until the show opens.

Please be aware of the no saving seats policy that is now in affect due to the administration.  Please see the previous blog post if you have any questions.

See you tonight!  We are going to try to run ACT 2 twice tonight.  Please be ready to go right at 4:30!

Miss Wilmes