Friday, May 13, 2011

Ready for Round 2!

What a great performance last night!  For our first time running through the show without stopping plus having an audience, you guys did a great job!  I am very proud of each of you!!

Here are a few notes for FRIDAY AND SATURDAY:
  •  CALL TIME:  6:00pm for Act 1/6:30 for Act 2.  The doors out front should be unlocked.  Please proceed right to the green room/learning center to get ready.  Please know that at 6:30, NO ONE is allowed in the auditorium, on stage, or out in the upstairs hallway.  You must stay hidden in either the green room or learning center.
  • SOUND CHECK:  If you have a mic in Act 1, please get your mic from Asa at the sound table before 6:30.  He may ask you to check your mic on stage.  Don't forget to turn your mic on before you go out on stage.  We can't control your sound levels from the back of the auditorium unless your mic is turned on.
  • BANDS:  If you want to check the level of your amps and how they are plugged on, you will have to do so BEFORE the house opens at 6:30 - no exceptions.
  • Please also tune your instruments before coming on stage.
  • Let's make our transitions a bit quicker:  Whatever you use on stage for props/set, please take these with you when you leave the stage.  We had problems with set pieces being left on stage last night and getting in the way of other actors/actresses.  Please take your props with you and set up the stage like it was before you entered.  This will help us save time. This includes any props, chairs/stools, tables, and microphones.
  • Please DO NOT walk behind the backdrop.  You need to go down and around.  Every time you walk behind the backdrop, we can see it from the audience.
ALL CAST & CREW:  Please listen to the parents backstage.  They are the equivalent of me, for I cannot be in two places at once.  Please show them respect.  If they tell you to do something, and you do not do it - you will have to face the consequences with me.  They are only there to help -- please show them respect.

  •  Due to the space in the wings, you can only be upstairs waiting to go up on stage two acts before yours.  You will be sent downstairs if you are upstairs in the wings more than 2 acts before.  
  • The stage right costume room and tech room are for fast changes -- they are not a room for you to hang out in.  Only the cast members who have checked with me earlier should be in these rooms.  Please make sure that you have something on underneath your clothes that is okay to change in front of mixed company.

WMS Evacuation DOES NOT affect our show tonight.  We are all set to go, and all students/parents should report to their designated areas at the times discussed.

Thank you for your hard work!  We have a great show on our hands, and I am proud of you!