Wednesday, May 11, 2011

T-Shirts/Saving Seats/Volunteer Help/Roaming Children

 A few things you should know from our Parent Coordinator:

1.  T-Shirts:  Please have your child bring $10 to rehearsal tommorrow to buy the "I heart WY" t-shirts that Lisa Maisel had made.  All the kids are going to wear them for Spirit Week Team Jersey day on Thursday.  Tech Crew is required to purchase one to participate.  Other students are simply encouraged to purchase one.

2.  NEW THIS SHOW:  There will be NO "saving of seats"  for the shows.  During the musical there were complaints expressed to the administration regarding the excessive number of seats that had coats, purses, and paper on them prior to the doors being opened to the ticket holding public.  Mr. Barre has told us directly that this is NOT TO HAPPEN AGAIN.  NO persons will be permitted to enter the theater early for any reason aside of an emergency.  Tech Crew has been asked to block the doors, and I would hope all parents will understand this new policy.  This is coming from the adminstration - not the director - so please respect this as it is a direct reflection of the drama program if we fail to honor this.  Please have your group at the doors 30 minutes prior to the production to be seated in a traditional "first come - first seated" process.  Thanks for your understanding of this policy in advance.

Monday night at rehearsal kids were told to ONLY go the Learning Center, the Green Room or on stage as they wait for their act to perform (the only places with volunteer supervision).  I understand it was a crazy evening that did not go according to anyone's plan, but unfortunately one group of children decided to enter a teacher's room.  When found by a staff member they claimed they were allowed to be there (they most definitely were not).  This was made worse by the fact that tours of the building were being given at this time as the Facilities Community Meeting was taking place in the gym.  I am ONLY sharing this because Cindy Wilmes is going to tell the kids at Dress Rehearsals that if any kids are found outside of the Learning Center, the Green Room, or on stage during the shows or rehearsals that that child - and possibly their entire act -  will removed from the Variety Show.  This is a serious issue, and with 122 children it is impossible to watch them all of the time with our limited volunteer resources so PLEASE remind your children of this as the consequences are real and dire. 

  Karen Reiber from the Learning Center has been incredibly helpful setting up the live video feed to the Green Room and the Learning Center.  However, she was disappointed about the condition in which the Learning Center was left on Monday night.  She asked Cindy (who asked me) to ask the parents to remind their children that school rules apply when in the Learning Center - even if it is not school hours.  IF this situation is not improved on Thursday, the kids run the risk of losing access to the space for the next two shows.  Sitting in the hallway won't be very fun so please remind your children to be respectful of school property.

5.  VOLUNTEERS:  Especially in light of #3 and #4 above we are in DESPERATE NEED FOR LEARNING CENTER VOLUNTEERS (it sounds really fun, doesn't it?).  We need adults in the Learning Center during FRIDAY AND SATURDAY shows.  Please, please, please if you have not fulfilled your volunteer requirement of two shifts, we really need your help.  If enough adults are present it makes the job easy - with the possibility of being able to sneak out for the 3 minutes to watch your child from the back of the theater.  We also are in need of 2 Backstage parents on Saturday night.  Please help us by responding to this email.

6.  LASTLY - I promise -  Please have your child bring a snack, all costumes and all props to school on Thursday.  They will need to be fed, dressed, and ready at 3:15 Thursday and in the auditorium.  There is the possibility that some kids will be let out of class a few minutes early, but the doors to the auditorium open at 3:30 (ish) to the ticket holders so kids involved need to be prompt.  All backpacks, etc. can either go in their personal prop bins (if they have them) OR in the Learning Center.  The Green Room should ONLY be for props and costumes.  Call time for Friday and Saturday night is 6 p.m. for Act 1 and 6:30 p.m. for Act 2.