Friday, February 11, 2011


WHAT A GREAT SHOW TONIGHT!!!  One show down, two more to go!  I could not be more proud.

FRIDAY & SATURDAY'S SHOW:  Please arrive between 5:30 - 6:00.  Call was originally 5:30, but I will not be worried if you arrive at 6:00.  I tried to pass on this word today after the show, but just in case, you are running a bit late tomorrow, you are fine.  Please make sure your child eats dinner and has a moment to chill after school before coming to the school to perform.  The WMS doors will be unlocked at 5:30.  Please proceed  to your respective green rooms to get ready.  I would like to run the Tai-Chi at 6:20 and open the doors at 6:30.  You will still have 30 minutes to get ready, but you will not be allowed in the auditorium after 6:30.

ACKNOWLEDGING SOUND/LIGHTS:  I am unsure if all students knew, but I would love for all students to pause a moment after Shang and Mulan bow to recognize the tech crew at the back of the auditorium by presenting them.  We tried tonight, but due to timing issues, it did not work.  I will remind you of this again tomorrow when I see you, but I believe this is very important.  We are all in this together, and my tech crew seated at the back also deserve recognition.

Thanks again for a great show!  See you Friday!

Miss Wilmes