Saturday, February 12, 2011


Please see below from our wonderful cast party chair:

Good Morning All! 

With the last performance this evening it's time to celebrate the hard work all the cast members, crew members, the Director Miss Cindy, and the parents put in to make this show a SOLD OUT HIT!!!!!!  The Party will be at our home:
532 Chisholm Trail. My cell # is 739-3086 and our home # is 522-9883 (the cell# is a better bet to reach me). The plan is to start the party somewhere around 9:30 (as soon as the kids and volunteers get the costumes all together and whatever they need to clean up, put away, gather up, yada yada, they head to my house!) 

The menu will be pizza, drinks, chips/pretzels stuff, fruit and veggies and of course the sheet cake. If there are any leftovers from intermission, rehearsals-tech week, etc. please feel free to bring them and we'll set that out too. Pick up time will be about 11:30ish or what ever time you set with your child. So, drop off your kid, take a few hours to yourself and breath a little easier that you you will no longer have to schlep and sign in to and from rehearsal build, paint, gather, read e-mails, send e-mails and organize lots of stuff...well at least for a little while, the variety show is right around the corner! Enjoy, and well see your kids tonight! 

Pamela Meisner (Herbert's mom). 
PS., If you have not seen the performance yet, what a wonderful treat you are in for tonight!