Wednesday, September 28, 2011


 to all who auditioned.  It takes a lot of guts to stand up and audition on a bare stage in front of an adult and your peers.  Regardless, you have won!  Having the confidence to prepare for an audition and follow through shows character and responsibility.  I was thoroughly impressed with the talent that showed up at auditions, and I am excited to work on this show with you.  Last year, I had 30 students audition for 20 roles for our fall show, The Canterville Ghost.  This year, I picked a show that had additional roles to accommodate a larger cast size; however, I had 42 students audition.  I am incredibly thrilled with the growing interest to be involved with the WMS Drama Department, but regretfully, I cannot cast everyone.  Please continue to audition for WMS, and I look forward to seeing you audition for the musical and the talent show!

If you have been cast in the show:
ALL CAST - You are REQUIRED to be at each rehearsal that you are called to attend.  If you did not give me a conflict on your audition form AT AUDITIONS, I am expecting you to be there.  If you told me you would be late or miss a partial rehearsal, I expect you to show up when you told me you would be there.  Please know that the audition form your parents signed stated that in order to audition, the fall play came directly behind family and school work.  Students who miss rehearsals not called out on their audition form may be removed from the show.
**PLEASE NOTE:  Due to the short time frame (5 weeks) of rehearsals, I need everyone to be present.  I looked at conflicts when casting this show, so it is not fair to the others who auditioned with you for you to miss more than what you wrote as conflicts.  If you noted a "flexible" rehearsal on your conflict list, I expect you to be at rehearsal if you are called.  

STAGE CREW:  You are not called until Monday, October 24th.

Please remember that we are a team.  A team is only as a strong as it's weakest link.  Let's work together to build each other up and encourage one another's talents.  We have a fun and exciting month ahead!  I promise you that this will be an experience to remember and certainly a highlight of your middle school career!