Wednesday, October 19, 2011


WEDNESDAY NIGHT REHEARSAL IS CANCELLED.  Please enjoy a night off!  Some of you are burning the candle from both ends.  I can tell you are very tired.  I'd love all of you to be healthy for next week's tech week, as it will be a very long week for all of us.  So, enjoy the night off -- you deserve it!

With that said, please remember that on Thursday, there will be NO BOOKS allowed on stage.  Also, there will be a costume run through for me to see the costumes on stage on Thursday.  Please remember to bring what you need to show me what you will be wearing for the show (right undergarments, tights if you have been asked to wear them, and proper shoes).  It's really important for me to see what you plan on wearing, just in case you need something else or we have to change something.  We all need to know this before approaching tech week.

Wednesday: NIGHT OFF
Thursday:  Run entire show with costumes, ALL CAST*
Friday:  Run entire show, fixing areas that need trouble, ALL CAST*
Alexander will get auditorium ready for Smitty to set up sound, as well as pull out lighting/sound board
Saturday:  Fix fight scenes and curtain call & Run Show, ALL CAST
Saturday morning 9:00 - 11:00:  Hang drop and paint set / make all final adjustments
Monday:  ACT 1 & ACT 2 + costumes, make-up, lights, and sound
<actors be prepared to stop for lighting and sound cues>
Tuesday:  RUN SHOW, break for dinner, RUN SHOW + costumes, make-up, lights, and sound
Wednesday: RUN SHOW, break for dinner, RUN SHOW + costumes, make-up, lights, and sound

**ALL CAST AND CREW:  Please be ready to start rehearsal right at 4:00 (3:30 on Monday).  We need to utilize all the time we have together.  I will be starting rehearsal right on time, so please do what you need to in order to start on time.  Thanks!